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Anthem Hack Lawsuit

The Anthem Hacks lawsuit is a class action lawsuit that was filed against Anthem Health Care LLC, for their participation in the health care industry’s bid to gain “pre-profit” status for their healthcare platform. This would essentially allow them to offer insurance policies at a higher premium than other companies. Class action lawsuits are designed for many things, one of the most common uses is to make a claim in which you stand up and defend your interests in a court of law. In this instance, the class action suit names several healthcare corporations as the defendants in the case. It is the intention of this article to discuss the class action suit itself and the way it may impact the future of healthcare reform. Healthcare is a huge industry and competition is fierce, therefore everyone will benefit if the healthcare system is properly regulated.

Many people are familiar with the Anthem hack scandal and the way it has affected several hundred employees and the company itself.

There were class action lawsuits across the United States from nurses and administrators who had worked on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website. They were hired by CMS to perform tasks as needed to ensure the insurance giant was processing claims for every person in the country, according to their contract with CMS. What they discovered was that the website was hacked by a group of contractors who were working on behalf of Anthem, in an attempt to gain access to the database that contained personal information on every American citizen. This would have allowed them to create fictitious accounts, which is against their contract with CMS.

The hack itself was not malicious and did not harm anyone.

The problem was the fact that hackers went through the database and took down various data. This caused a panic among the agency, because it meant that all Americans could suddenly be denied health insurance based on nothing but suspicion. The hack has since been rectified, but not completely eliminated, which means there is still risk involved with using the CMS. The plaintiffs in the Anthem Hack lawsuit want to bring about a legal lawsuit against the insurance company, not because they are accusing the company of wrongdoing, but because they say the company was well within its rights to use the security measures it placed on its database, which included notifying the government when it found a certain number of fraudulent or suspicious activity.

The lawyers for the plaintiffs in the hack case do not plan on picking apart CMS but trying to get the insurer to come clean on how it went about its security measures and if it should keep them from retaining certain employees over another.

It has already been found that CMS did in fact inform the government about the hack. Now that the case has been filed, there may be additional suits filed against the insurance company. There is no word on whether or not any other executives will be implicated in the scandal.

If the attorney general decides to take the case, he has some big fish to fry.

He would probably prefer to look elsewhere to find a resolution to the matter. If a class-action suit has been authorized by the state, attorneys general often side with the plaintiffs. States such as Michigan and New York already have statues of limitations on cases like these. The lawyers will want to wrap up as quickly as possible, so they typically prefer to settle out of court rather than go to trial.

This hack was not the first time the system had been breached. It happened just months before Anthem took down the site, which allowed hackers to gain access to the database.

This means that hackers could have had access to personal data on over 25 million people. This would include details such as Social Security numbers, date of birth, financial information and many other personal details. Hackers used this information to obtain credit cards and use it for shopping online. It is clear that the hackers targeted the company in order to cause the largest loss, and it shows that Anthem’s system was not able to defend itself sufficiently.


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