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Flexogenix: From Knee Pain Relievers to Bankruptcy Blues

Remember Flexogenix? That clinic promising to banish knee pain without surgery, those slick ads showing sprightly seniors zipping around the park? Well, buckle up, because their story took a sharp turn – straight into bankruptcy court.

In November 2023, Flexogenix, once boasting affiliates across the US, filed for Chapter 7 liquidation. What happened? The whispers range from financial woes to questionable treatment practices. Let’s untangle this medical mystery.

Knee-Deep in Debt: Flexogenix claimed up to $10 million in assets, but its liabilities? Oh boy, those ballooned between $10 million and a whopping $50 million. Creditors lined up like sharks at a chum slick, with the IRS demanding a cool $1.2 million and a business solutions group chomping at a $2.6 million debt. Seems Flexogenix’s financial cartilage was weaker than they advertised.

Treatment Under the Microscope: But it wasn’t just the money woes. Questions swirled around Flexogenix’s treatments, specifically a procedure called Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. Touted as a miracle cure for everything from arthritis to hair loss, PRP’s effectiveness is, well, murky at best. Some studies show promise, others… not so much. And Flexogenix? They were big fans, pushing PRP like a carnival barker peddling snake oil.

So, what does this mean for you? If you were a Flexogenix patient, you’re likely swimming in uncertainty. The clinic’s closure leaves a trail of unanswered questions and, possibly, medical bills. Your best bet? Contact the bankruptcy court for guidance and reach out to your healthcare provider for alternative treatment options.

Flexogenix may be a cautionary tale, but it’s also a reminder to be your own healthcare advocate. Ask questions, research treatments, and don’t let slick marketing cloud your judgment. Remember, your knees (and wallet) will thank you.


Can I still get my PRP treatment elsewhere?

Yes, PRP therapy is offered by various clinics and healthcare providers. However, consult your doctor for a personalized assessment and research the clinic’s credentials thoroughly.

What happens to my medical records?

Flexogenix is required to store and dispose of patient records appropriately. Contact the bankruptcy court for details on accessing your records.

Am I liable for Flexogenix’s debts?

No, as a patient, you are not responsible for the clinic’s financial obligations.

What alternative treatments exist for knee pain?

Consult your doctor about various options, including physical therapy, medication, and other non-surgical interventions.

Can I sue Flexogenix?

While bankruptcy proceedings limit legal options, consult with a lawyer for personalized advice.

Where can I find more information about Flexogenix’s bankruptcy? The Bankruptcy Court website and news articles offer updates on the case’s progress.

Remember, you are in control of your health. Choose wisely, and walk with confidence, even if it’s without the help of a Flexogenix miracle cure.


Los Angeles Business Journal:
Better Business Bureau:
California Central Bankruptcy Court:


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