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Ford Edge PTU: A Lawsuit Rumbling Underneath the SUV’s Shine

Picture this: you’re cruising down the highway in your sleek Ford Edge, the wind whispering through your hair as you admire the scenery. Suddenly, a metallic groan rips through the air, the steering wheel vibrates like a possessed jackhammer, and your once-smooth ride becomes a bumpy nightmare. This, my friends, is the potential reality for some Ford Edge owners, and the culprit? A little somethin’ called the Power Transfer Unit, or PTU for short.

Now, the PTU is the unsung hero of AWD-equipped vehicles, silently shuttling power between the axles for optimal traction. But in some Ford Edges, particularly models from 2011 to 2015, this hero turned villain. Faulty PTUs started throwing tantrums, leading to a symphony of unpleasant symptoms: grinding noises, shuddering vibrations, and even complete loss of power.

And guess what? These disgruntled Edge owners weren’t about to take it lying down. In 2015, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Ford, alleging the automaker knew about the PTU problems but failed to warn consumers or issue a recall. The lawsuit claimed this knowledge gap led to expensive repairs, safety hazards, and a general sense of betrayal among Edge enthusiasts.

The legal saga, like a particularly twisty mountain road, has been full of ups and downs. The case was initially sent to arbitration, a closed-door process that often favors corporations. However, in 2023, a glimmer of hope emerged when a federal appeals court ruled that some claims could be heard in public court. This decision could potentially open the door for wider compensation to affected Edge owners.

So, where does this leave us, the curious car enthusiasts? While the lawsuit is still ongoing, the PTU saga serves as a cautionary tale. It highlights the importance of doing your research before buying any used car, especially one with a history of reported issues. And for current Edge owners, keeping an ear (and a mechanic) close for any suspicious PTU noises is crucial.

Remember, a well-informed driver is a safe driver, and a driver armed with knowledge about potential PTU perils is an even better one. So, buckle up, stay informed, and keep your Edge purring like the sleek feline it was meant to be.


What are the symptoms of a faulty Ford Edge PTU?

Grinding noises, shuddering vibrations, loss of power, binding when turning, and warning lights related to the drivetrain.

Which Ford Edge models are most affected by the PTU issue?

Primarily models from 2011 to 2015, although some later models may also be susceptible.

What is the status of the Ford Edge PTU lawsuit?

The lawsuit is ongoing, with some claims potentially moving to public court in 2024.

What should I do if I think my Ford Edge has a PTU problem?

Take your vehicle to a qualified mechanic for diagnosis and potential repairs.

Is there a recall for the Ford Edge PTU?

As of January 2024, there is no official recall for the Ford Edge PTU.

Where can I find more information about the Ford Edge PTU issue?

Consult online forums dedicated to Ford Edge owners, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website, and legal news websites for updates on the lawsuit.

Remember, staying informed and taking proactive measures can help you navigate the twists and turns of car ownership with confidence. Now, go forth and conquer those roads, but always with a keen ear for any potential PTU rumblings!


Top Class Actions:
Ford Edge Forum:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:


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